Saturday, 24 January 2015

Current Style Wishlist!

Hello everyone! Recently, I have been addicted to looking at clothes on online shops and just trying to find outfits that I would really want to wear. For ages now , I have been trying to figure out what my style is and, I think this has helped me a bit. I mean, I still don't know what category it would fall under, but I get a lot of my style inspiration from things and people that I have an interest in. For example, I absolutely adore Zoe Benson's, from American Horror Story, style, as well as YouTubers such as TheLineUp and FashionRocksMySocks. Anyway, over the last few days of endless scrolling on websites such as Sheinside, Choies, BooHoo, Topshop and New Look, I have been able to put together a little wishlist of clothes which have given me style inspiration. Now from the picture below, it is quite evident that I do not like to wear colour much. In fact, the two things that I have been really in to recently are monochrome outfits and oversized coats. I also really like the look of chunky shoes with a good platform on them, despite that fact that I'm already tall. But anyway, I just wanted to share some things that I have been enjoying style-wise recently, so I hope you enjoyed!


  1. These are lovely items! The boots are a favourite!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lovely picks! Would want every one of them! I have just added you on bloglovin, would love for you to have a look at my blog,

    Charlotte xxx

  4. Such cute clothes, makes me want to head straight to the mall!!!
