Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Hello 2015.

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! As it is now 2015, New Year's Resolutions are in order, so I thought why not share them with you. Now I'm not saying I'm going to achieve these in just one year, but if I can just take several steps to help me achieve my goals, I will be happy.

This first one for me is pretty standard for a New Year's resolution, but it is to get fitter. Now this does not mean that I'm suddenly going to sign up to a gym or eat just fruit and vegetables, I mainly just want to work on my diet. I mean, I wasn't the healthiest person last year, I ate a lot of food which included fats and sugars. So for 2015, I want to work on balancing out my diet a bit more instead of scoffing down the sweets and chocolates.

The next New Year's resolution is to just be a lot happier. I mean, yeah, that's pretty self explanatory, everyone want to be happy. But what I mean by this is when you are living with internal issues it's quite hard to view the world as one would without these problems. So I guess what I want to do is kind of be one step ahead of these problems and look at the world in a more positive way instead of having these issues blocking the view (in metaphorical terms obviously,haha). Basically to put it simply, I just want to overcome any negativity that is thrown at me this year and to just enjoy the life I'm living.

So now for the big one. I would just like it reiterate what I said in the beginning about how I'm aware it's not likely that I'm going to achieve this in 2015, but I will be so happy if I can just get just a little bit closer to my goal. This is going to take a lot of explaining... So basically it has been a dream of mine forever to make an impact on the world. I've always tried to be a positive person and help others as much as I possibly could, and I always wanted to be that person that people would look back on and be like 'Yeah, she really helped me through a lot of stuff'.  Now you're probably sat her right now, like Emily..really? But when I was 6, I discovered this little website called YouTube and I instantly knew it was something I wanted to be involved in. I'd see the comments like 'you've helped me so much' or 'you mean so much to me' and I immediately wanted to be that person they were saying these things to. I wanted to be that person that made people feel like I was their friend and that I was there for them, even if I has never met them. And this is not a YouTube plug or anything, I'm quite content just doing my blog right now. But my ultimate dream in life is to make someone's life better, and to have impacted them in some way. So that's my New Year's Resolution, and if I can just get a little bit closer to achieving that, I was be eternally grateful.

Once again, Happy New Year everyone! Sorry that I got a bit soppy near the end, it's just a trait of mine. Here's to 2015!

'Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.'- Brad Paisley


  1. Hey! I've tagged you to answer some questions for the new year :) I hope you don't mind!

  2. This post was so good, I'm sure one day you will be the person that thousands look up to. You're already improving peoples lives with your positive influence on this blog :)

    Chloe x,

    1. Thank you so much, that means a lot to me! :)

  3. Wow, that's a high goal you're choosing! But it's nice you have the motivation to do so :)

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award in my blog. I'd like to read your answers if you want. :)

    Eithne on the Moon | Lifestyle, books and travels!
