Hello everybody! For my first post I wanted it to be something that will help you get to know a little about me. So I decided to do 50 facts about me!
1.My full name is Emily Elizabeth Jeal.
2. I am currently 14 years old.
3. My birthday is on 15th March 2000.
4. Last time I measured myself I was 5ft 6.
5. I am such a big Disney fan, you don't even understand.
6. My life goal when I was younger was to work at Disneyland.
7. I am very shy and awkward.
8. I am British.
9. I am surprisingly incredibly opinionated, but don't worry, I know when to keep my opinions to myself.
10. I absolutely can not stand the society I am growing up in.
11. I am quite artistic, which runs in the family.
12. My favourite colours are blue and purple.
13. I have green eyes, which I have recently found out that this is pretty rare.
14. Unlike many people, my hair is getting lighter and I'm starting to become blonde :(. (not that there's anything wrong with that, it just wouldn't suit me).
15. I am a dedicated member of the 5sosfam.
16. I like all things beauty.
17. Music = life
18. Unlike a lot of people, I actually hate London. It's stressfulll.
19.I am scared of pretty much everything. Death, trains, spiders, wars etc.
20. I would absolutely love to make Youtube videos at some point in my life.
21. I am very emotional and sensitive. I cried during the Circle of life in the Lion King ffs.
22. Although I can be very mature at times, I could also quite easily be the most immature and childish person you will meet.
23. I am such an animal person, I love them all.

24. Strangely, I really like the smell of paint, white spirit, chlorine and Marmite. Odd, I know.
25. My feet are really small compared to the rest of my body. They're a 3 and a half so when I walk, I look like Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas.
26. I love making little DIY projects.
27. Skittles are my favourite sweets.
28. Every time I listen to Breathe Me by Sia, I cry. I'm emotional!
29. I would absolutely love to live in the 1920's as a flapper.
30. The Great Gatsby is genuinely one of the best movies I've ever seen.
31. I love the 1950's style.
32. My lucky numbers are 7 and 13, which is classed as unlucky, I know.
33. I would probably class myself as a nerd.
34. My all time favourite TV programme is How I Met Your Mother. I cried when it ended, fml.
35. I never wear nail polish, it is way too much effort for me.
36. I get so in to holidays. I can't even contain my excitement for Christmas.
37. I love horror films and my favourite is probably the Conjuring.
38. I love reading Creepypasta's . I recommend 1999.
39. I am such a big movie fan.
40. I am not popular whatsoever. Which I am completely fine with.
41. I am a very strong believer in the phrase: everything happens for a reason.
42. I'm pretty optimistic.
43. I currently have braces but they are coming off in less than a year. Woop woop!
44. I think I'm decent at giving advice, but I'm bad at taking other people's advice.
45. I have planned almost all of my dream wedding already, woops.
46. I am a huge history geek.
47. I love sleep. Who doesn't?
48. I get easily distracted.
49. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do in the future.
50. I am not beginning to realise that I'm not very interesting, sorry.
I hope you enjoyed finding a little bit out about me! Thank you for reading, new post will be going up this afternoon!